The 100 Day Project

I first watched to Elle Luna’s talk on The Crossroads of Should and Must a while ago (side note: I couldn’t find the video I watched easily, sorry there’s no link). I’ll admit that reading the original piece on Medium didn’t really spark much in me, but hearing her talk about it, I was captured by the idea. The talk is now a book as well.

Then, as a regular reader of The Great Discontent, I saw that they were doing the 100 day project. This year has been about adding in some things to my days that create better habits and help me slow down a bit. I started with the Daily Jottings, which I’ve kept up with, for the most part, since the beginning of the year. Even more exciting, I’m now writing them in a book that I made, squeeee!

So now I’m going to add in another thing to my days to help me slow down and also get back in the habit of regular sketching. For my 100 Day Project I’m going to do a daily sketch journal. My medium will be Paper by FiftyThree along with their pencil stylus because I’ve come to love it so much. Also, I’m traveling more than usual during this time period and I always have both with me when going to conferences and such for sketchnoting. The big thing with these is that they should be fast, so I’m limiting myself to the pencil tool in Paper and doing a quick sketch (which is my favorite way to sketch) and then a quick note about the day and why I drew that.

In fact, as I’ve been playing around with the idea, I’ve already done a few and tweeted them out. Depending on my day and my mood we’ll see how much I do or don’t do, but the important part will be doing it every day.

My only disappointment with the way that The Great Discontent is doing the project is that they are focusing on Instagram for the way to share your work. I’m not an Instagram user and don’t really want to start using it just for this, so I’ll be posting to Flickr, in an album, to Twitter, and to Mix (FiftyThree’s collaborative drawing app). I’m also choosing not to use Instagram as I don’t want to be limited to a square for sharing because my sketches most likely won’t be squares. And I’ll be hashtagging them where they go so they can be found by others doing the project.

I’m excited to get sketch journalling and sharing!