Short Thoughts
Marking time
What to watch
The networks
Going old school with tech.
Podcast listening
Things I've been listening to recently that I've really enjoyed.
A time of year that I love because I'm outside so much more.
Recently watched: May 2024
Me Made May
My pledge, but it's not really a pledge, for Me Made May.
Subscriptions as a sustainable income model
MLB Stats
August vibes
The tomato sandwich
Posting, blogging, sharing
Social media ugh
Trying to find my way in the online world such as it is.
Learning to be unproductive
Taking time, allowing the mind to work, not worrying about getting shit done.
The watch
A reluctant purchase that's turned out to be a good thing.
What's next
Strange New Worlds
Maybe the ending of it is the beginning of something better.
Coming out as a fan.
Learning to sew
Learning to make clothes and learning about myself at the same time.
Claes Oldenburg
RIP Oldenburg and thank you for all the art that you made and shared throughout your life.
Saying not to the demands of tech and the world.
Learning to rest
Realizing how profound an experience something was, years later.
Film Noir
Spending time with old noir.
Over the course of the past week I've seen the word rest come up several times
Goodbye 2021
Thinking about fire
Garden Notes—May
What an up and down month in the garden, but at least it's going well in the end.
Remote work, burnout, or something else
Some thoughts on Mandy's thoughts.
Garden Notes—April
Starting of log of what's going on in the garden to help me remember what works and what doesn't.
It's all high school
It was a peaceful 20 minutes or so, watching the smallest of creatures as they did their thing in an environment I cultivated for them.
The dog park
Reading, voraciously
I'm not really sure what's come over me this month, but I'm reading at an astounding rate.
This site
Lately I've been thinking about this site quite a bit.
Star Trek
Small luxury
Hold tight friends
Community moment
My patch on the web
Drawing without looking
Binge reading
Digital minimalism
I'm still figuring out what works for me, but what I do know is the last few weeks I'm reading more, feeling more relaxed, and finding the things I want to do.
Reality meeting books
I'm still here
Vote by mail
Being "green"
The necessity of feedback
I'm back
Notes is being revived.
I've chosen a word to be my theme for 2018.
I think that's why I still love RSS so much.
Clinging to hope
Hang on to hope friends, it's what will keep us going and help us get out of bed after the hard days.
Current coping mechanisms
These days are rough times, the news is an avalanche of bad story after bad story, with a few notable exceptions; I thought I'd share some things that are helping me get through.
By the end of the weekend I was thinking and writing, and it was like I'd come out of a fog.
Finally listening
Recently I learned, yet again, that there are smart people in my life and I should listen to them.
Maker mythologizng
One person talked about being a facilitator when you aren't sure what to make next. It was amazingly refreshing.
I'm coming up on 40 consecutive days of meditating.
On the mat
Moving on my mat is what's keeping me sane right now.
Doing more to meet people who have nothing to do with tech has been hard, but so good.
Yoga app
I'm an avid yoga person. I really love it.
Alone time
Alone time, focused time, not multitasking, it was sooooooo good and it reminded me that I need to do it more.
Public transit
I've seen talk about how instead of promoting car services such as Uber or Lyft, we should be investing in public transit instead. And while I'm a huge fan of public transit and use it for probably 90% of my transit around Portland, I also realize that it doesn't service every area well.
Sunday night
It's the Sunday night of a long weekend, which is my favorite of all Sunday nights.
Things giving me comfort today
I've been quiet in many of the online spaces I occupy lately. I've been retreating into things that I find comfort in during all the tumult.
Passion isn't the right word to describe any of this, instead we should find other words to talk about our work.
A difficult week
This week has felt like a hammer hitting me over the head over and over again
Implied shoulds
Doing what's right for you is never the wrong thing to do.
Taking a break
Breaks are a very good thing
In my neighborhood right now there is nothing that will set people off more than talking about parking.
A season all the more significant this year.
My favorite yoga pose right now.
Self care
Self care in these difficult days
A new section
Real America
There is one thing that I've grown tired of and it's the idea that there is a “Real America.”