On the road

We got home over the weekend from a road trip to Arizona to watch spring training baseball. While I knew in my mind that it would be a lot of driving, actually doing all the driving was so much time in the car. The big difference with this trip from other road trips we’ve taken over the past couple of years is that we drove so much while in Phoenix. We usually drive to a large city, park the car, and then don’t use it much at all while there opting to walk or use public transit. In Phoenix we drove a lot and it was always a half hour or more on massive freeways to get to the games. I enjoyed the baseball, as I always do, but I’ll say that Phoenix is not for me. I’m also not sure that I’d ever do spring training again. Photo taken by G as I drove, on I-10 heading east to Phoenix. G wrote up a longer post with baseball pictures if you’re interested in reading about our experiences at games.