Haralson Belt Bag

I’m a bag person. I don’t care about shoes or jewelry or having a lot of high fashion clothes, but I love having the right bag for the right situation. Sewing has opened up the door to being able to make bags that are customized and perfect for what I need. My most recent make is the Haralson Belt Bag and I love it. It’s the perfect size to fit the phone, the wallet, a few other things, and, most importantly, my reading glasses that I need to have with me all the time now. I also think it’ll be great for travel to be able to have the necessities easily accessible but my hands free.

This was a fairly easy sew, the most work came from cutting all the pieces and then getting the interfacing on all of them. Once I started sewing I finished in an afternoon. I’m not great with zippers yet, but definitely did the best job I’ve done yet with the two in this pattern. And I love that there is a sew-a-long on YouTube to help out; there are a few parts that are easier to understand when you see them and I was grateful for the extra help.

Pattern: Haralson Belt Bag by Noodlehead
Fabric: Ventana Twill in black from Stonemountain & Daughters Fabrics and a quilting cotton for the lining from Sew Creative

Photo credit G.

Top of the photo is a smaller bag with a silver clasp, gray strap, and it's black with a flap folded and clasped on the front, it's the size of a fanny pack or small purse. Bottom of the photo is the same bag with the flap opened up and the lining fabric has random dots of orange, gray, black, lime green, and yellow.