Haralson Belt Bag
I’m a bag person. I don’t care about shoes or jewelry or having a lot of high fashion clothes, but I love having the right bag for the right situation. Sewing has opened up the door to being able to make bags that are customized and perfect for what I need. My most recent make is the Haralson Belt Bag and I love it. It’s the perfect size to fit the phone, the wallet, a few other things, and, most importantly, my reading glasses that I need to have with me all the time now. I also think it’ll be great for travel to be able to have the necessities easily accessible but my hands free.
This was a fairly easy sew, the most work came from cutting all the pieces and then getting the interfacing on all of them. Once I started sewing I finished in an afternoon. I’m not great with zippers yet, but definitely did the best job I’ve done yet with the two in this pattern. And I love that there is a sew-a-long on YouTube to help out; there are a few parts that are easier to understand when you see them and I was grateful for the extra help.
Pattern: Haralson Belt Bag by Noodlehead
Fabric: Ventana Twill in black from Stonemountain & Daughters Fabrics and a quilting cotton for the lining from Sew Creative
Photo credit G.