The Gadget Review
So it’s been just over 48 hours since it arrived. By it I mean the iPad. First impression? I like it, a lot. I can already tell that I will be using it a lot more than my 3.5 year old laptop.
The speed is amazing and I don’t even really care about all the apps, I just want to be able to check email and surf the web. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve downloaded some apps, but most are to be able to watch things, such as PBS and Netflix. I’m not a gamer so I honestly don’t care about those at all. For me, this is about keeping up with the things when away from my main machine and being able to do some things (I am writing this post on it to see how that goes).
I didn’t get one with a lot of space on purpose to limit my use of it. Reason? Trying to balance my time with screens and info overload (post on that to follow soon).
As I already own a kindle, this will definitely not be a reading device, I much prefer the e-ink for that and the lighter weight in my hand.
All-in-all, a good device and I am glad I got it and I can’t wait to travel with it.