Fall vibes

It’s fall, even if the weather where I live can’t quite decide to be fall, but I’m getting used to October being all over the place here, and as long as we have cool nights and mornings, I’m OK. I’ll admit, the few days of sweater weather that we’ve had have me very excited for more of it. I’m ready for sweaters, thick knit socks, the fire place going, and feeling a chill in the air.

So, in the same vein as my August Vibes post, here’s a quick hit of things I’m loving this fall. With all that’s happening in the world, find the good things where you can and take care of yourselves.

  • I’m slow to this, but we started watching Endeavor on PBS Passport and I really like these mysteries and the fact that they’re set in the 1960s Oxford. I’m a total British mystery addict and was super excited that the entire series was put up to stream recently.
  • On my morning walks throughout our neighborhood I’ve been watching the decorations spring up and some of them are so fun! I don’t love Halloween, but I do love how much it feels like the community comes alive after the heat of summer when October rolls around.
  • I’m seeing more people blogging and am so excited about it. I think the breaking of social media has driven people back to some old school ideas about how to share online and I, for one, am totally here for it. I love curating my RSS feed and am so excited to find some new folks who are talking about sewing, knitting, and books.
  • The end of baseball is close but I’m loving the playoffs because you never know what’s going to happen. I don’t really care who wins it all, but I do enjoy good baseball games with players at the top of their game and so far we’ve been getting that fairly often.
  • We joined the 21st century and got a smart TV as both our TV and aging Mac Mini which we used to stream were starting to not do very well. I feel like we are huge dorks, but we’ve been finding it hilarious how much free stuff Roku show has channels for. An all Price is Right channel, really? News from almost any major city? How It’s Made running non stop? It’s a weird world in the world of smart TVs and streaming, but I will say it’s been nice to click my way easily to a show we want to watch and not have to fire up an old and very slow computer to watch things.
  • The annular eclipse was amazing and I’m so glad that our weather cleared up and we could see it where we live. We live a bit outside the path of totality, so we didn’t see a complete ring, but it was still really fun. I spent over an hour in a chair with eclipse glasses on and watched as the moon slid across the sun. Look up y’all, it’s worth it. I’m also seeing Jupiter through a particular window in our house most evenings and it makes my evening.
The moon, covering most of the sun, with an almost complete circle around it.
The peak moment of the annular eclipse where we live. Photo by G using a camera hooked up to a telescope with a solar filter attached. You can see more at his post about the event on his site.